Consulting for businesses dedicated to digital nomads

For years now, I have been travelling with my laptop in search of more or less exotic places where I can enjoy the warm weather and the sea between one work project and another.

Throughout all of this period I have been active in the Italian and international community of digital nomads: I took part in a lot of events and organised as many, as well as having given life to two small but long-lasting communities – one in Ravenna, my hometown, and one in Rhodes, where I have more or less settled for some time.

How to open a coworking and coliving space: the case study

It was here that I pioneered activities for digital nomads on the island, developing a project with a hotel in the city. The hotel dedicated 10 rooms to remote workers only, for the whole winter season 2022-2023, also offering a small coworking and various weekly activities for the community living there. Rhodes was not yet a destination for digital nomads, so it was a real pilot project – which worked, bringing around 30 people to live and work on the island for periods of one to three months, out of season. If you are interested in more data, contact me and I will send you the detailed case study!

Consulting on how to open a coworking space or a digital nomads coliving

What did this experience teach me? Not only how to open a coworking space or a digital nomads coliving – but that, when there is potential, it is possible to start entire destinations for digital nomads from scratch. Not to mention supporting businesses – such as coworkings, colivings, hotels, room rentals, cafes and event venues – that want to start their own digital nomad business or reposition an existing one.

How my business consultation for digital nomads works

First of all we will get to know each other, with a short video call in which you will tell me about your idea and I will help you understand if and how it is feasible, how to open your coworking space or coliving, or how to create a destination for digital nomads where one does not yet exist.

After that we will start the consultation process, customising it according to your needs to bring you closer and closer to your desired goal. We will start with an analysis phase that will serve to make all subsequent steps – from the development of the service to the communication and marketing strategy to promote it and attract digital nomads potentially from all over the world – as effective as possible. Without forgetting what will make your project truly successful: the creation of a welcoming community, made of people with similar mindsets and lifestyles who can share a part of their journey. Without a community of and for digital nomads, there is no destination and no long-term success. This process may include, if necessary, a shadowing period in which I will be present in person on site to make sure everything is organised in the best possible way, and to train any dedicated staff.

At the end of the process, how to open a coworking or other business dedicated to digital nomads will no longer be a problem – not for you, at least!

The initial 20-minute call is on me: make the best out of it and tell me about your project. Book your meeting now: just write an email to